Three fauns came to visit for the entire afternoon. Here are some inspirational reflections. '"Walk before Me and be perfect." (Gen. xvii. i.) Let everything recall to you the presence of God. If, for example, you go into the garden and see some flowers, ask one of them. What are you? It will not reply, I am a flower. No, but it will say to you, Ego vox - I am a preacher; I preach the power, the wisdom, the goodness, the beauty, the prudence of our great God. Imagine that the flower makes you this reply, and let it penetrate your heart and teach you a lesson of divine love.' St. Paul of the Cross 'All that God gives us and all that He permits in this world have no other end than to sanctify us in Him.' St. Catherine of Siena A prayer. . . Act of Love from the Small Roman Missal As the hart panteth after the fountains of water, so my soul panteth after Thee, O God! "My soul hath thirsted after the strong, living Go...
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