Here are two photos of the moon from a few days apart.
One is a daytime photo, with just a little processing, the other is a stacked series of shots for detail during the night of the full "supermoon".
I am still testing the Tamron 100-400mm on my camera, there are times when autofocus is fine, times when it is not, still working out the details of how to best work with it.
Very busy here with a relative visiting. A storm might be due at the end of the week, should stock up and prepare too.
Reflections. ..
'How beautiful to look upon is the starry firmament! Yet it is only the portal of the blessed country where I hope to go one day.'
St. Paul of the Cross
'Prayer without fervor has not sufficient strength to rise to heaven.'
St. Bernard of Clairvaux
'He who beholds Heaven with a pure eye, sees better the darkness of earth; for, although the latter seems to have some brilliancy, it disappears before the splendor of the heavens.'
St. Ignatius of Loyola
One is a daytime photo, with just a little processing, the other is a stacked series of shots for detail during the night of the full "supermoon".
I am still testing the Tamron 100-400mm on my camera, there are times when autofocus is fine, times when it is not, still working out the details of how to best work with it.
Very busy here with a relative visiting. A storm might be due at the end of the week, should stock up and prepare too.
Reflections. ..
'How beautiful to look upon is the starry firmament! Yet it is only the portal of the blessed country where I hope to go one day.'
St. Paul of the Cross
'Prayer without fervor has not sufficient strength to rise to heaven.'
St. Bernard of Clairvaux
'He who beholds Heaven with a pure eye, sees better the darkness of earth; for, although the latter seems to have some brilliancy, it disappears before the splendor of the heavens.'
St. Ignatius of Loyola
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